Impactful Activations
Impactful Activations

Capacity building is whatever is needed to bring a company to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity, so it may more effectively and efficiently advance its mission into the future. Capacity building is not a one-time effort to improve short-term effectiveness, but a continuous improvement strategy towards the creation of a sustainable and a future-proof.

The world is changing and at the same time, young people find it difficult to seek motivation and find out what talents suit them. Regions are additionally challenged with different social challenges and especially young people can play an important role in this. For this, I4NATURE facilitates a location in the region where young people can be helped and where they can discover their talents with challenges in the region in, for example, healthcare or culture. Over 50 young people started working with their talent in this way in Vught. Therefore, the hub had the function of breathing new life into local heritage; organising a festival, forming a the company Young Nobles and working on Vught’s challenges. A win-win situation!

Ministery of infrastruture

Clean water without microplastics is a big challenge to realise even in western countries. In cooperation with the we set up a clean water challenge, designed with youth to trigger the Netherlands to get plastic out of the waters and realise clean water.


With over 30 years of experience with great leaders inacademics and agrifood business , IFAMA want to take a leap forward with the new generations. Guiding and guarding the organisational challenge in this, transforming with new generations and setting up a young board, I4NATURE participated and helped setting the foundation for the IFAMA Young Board.